Monday, October 5, 2009

day 3: diez y ocho continued

If you havn´t read about the lagoons and the bike adventure that took place on day 2, please check out the last half of the previous post...

Day 3. The following photo is what we woke up to... gorgeous. A little side note, we were in the desert and so as we were sleeping the tempurature dropped to below freezing. Personally, I was fine because my bag is ¨la raja¨ (really good in chilean), however the other gringo that i was travelling with was far from fine, in fact, he was freezing because he didn´t not have a sleeping bag, pobrecito. He slept wearing all of his clothes as well as all of mine and he was still pretty darn cold, but he didn´t die and we had a grand ol´time, so it was definately worth it.

we went back to the B&B and opted to take a tour via auto this time because our hind quarters were a little sore from the bumpy ride. This was to be our last tourist destination in San Pedro, because we had decided to save money and catch a bus back to the Valdivia (1 1/2 days in bus) so as to be back there to celebrate the 18th (chilean independence day). So we went to Valle de la Luna (valley of the moon) and Valle de la muerte (valley of the dead), la luna being probably the most visited attraction around San Pedro. I believe they call it valley of the moon because it honestly looks like what I imagine the moon looks like. anyways, a photo is worth a thousand words (give or take) so check ´em out...

valle de la luna

valle de la muerte

salt formations in valle de la luna

valle de la luna again
the owner & staff of the Incahuasi B&B (definately recommended to anyone who ever makes it to San Pedro de Atacama)...
we returned to Valdivia and I had an excellent time celebrating the holiday in true chilean style (excessive amounts of food and drink)

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